Without giving too much away, the story is about this other dimension where a different Earth is populated with the artists, inventors, and geniuses of Earth to invest in the future, to create a better world, essentially a futuristic, peaceful world where dreams can come true. A young woman is invited to Tomorrowland and the adventure begins.
We all enjoyed the movie. It is inspiring, the idea of encouraging and empowering the dreamers who won’t give up. As a writer, it wasn’t perfectly written, but it was very good.
Why do these kinds of movies inspire us so? These ideas of another world where “magic” happens, like Narnia or Hogwarts or whatever, are rooted in something that actually exists. It’s called the Kingdom.
We love these movies. Humanity always has. We always will. And while the writers and creators of these fantasy/sci-fi stories may not believe in or connect with the Kingdom of God, the essential desire for a different world comes from the heart and mind and soul of men and women created by the Lord of that Kingdom, the King who loves and invites us all into that Kingdom.
Tomorrowland, while a good movie, is only a taste of what is real. The real thing is way cooler.
Everyone is invited to the Kingdom. We don’t have to be smart enough or good enough. We don’t have to be a “dreamer that doesn’t give up.”
If we accept the Kings invitation, he makes us powerful enough to operate within the Kingdom that “is not of this world.” He makes dreamers that do not quit out of us.
We get to bring elements of that Kingdom to this world, however. We bring Heaven to Earth with our obedience, our prayers, our worship, our love. And once we accept the invitation, we also become recruiters for the Kingdom, spreading the same Good News that inspired us.
And we don’t have to hide the Kingdom from anyone. No one can get into the Kingdom and corrupt it. It is incorruptible. There is no danger of inviting someone in who will ruin it. It changes them as they participate within it. There are unlimited resources to sustain the Kingdom.
Shall I go on? Ultimately, the Kingdom is greater than Tomorrowland because it is real. We can wait for a Tomorrowland of our own invention, but it will crumble and fall because it is built upon corrupt foundations, as great as it may seem for a time. The Kingdom is immune to evil and sin and will forever be the expression of the eternal, amazing present and future God has for all of us.
Good News, indeed.
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