We’ve been building relationship with these new families that have been attending our church. I’ve been part of discipling two brothers. And over the last two months, we’ve really seen a major change in their life.
What does that mean? They’re more at peace, feel more purpose, experience more love, have a deeper relationship with God, see the results of change in their family relationships.
In the midst of this growth, one of the brothers has been embroiled in a fairly crappy situation. I won’t go into details for the sake of privacy, but I’ll summarize to say that it has thrown the family into crisis.
All it has done is reveal the change, the transformation, that has happened at the core of these families. They see the hand of God in the midst of trial and trouble. The young man has shared is faith and started praying with another young man in a similar situation because the second young man said, “What’s so different about you?”
This crisis situation has brought these families closer together. They’ve gained friends and close relationships out of it.
And I hear statements like, “This isn’t how I would have acted or reacted before.”
This is only the most recent example of many, many people I’ve seen transformed over the past twenty years by a relationship with a loving God and His people. Or, to be use the religious term, Christ and Christians.
These transformations produce joy and peace, healthier and more loving relationships, a greater sense of purpose. And others around them, like me, are inspired and encouraged to further their own journey of transformation.
In other words, it isn’t mere religious acknowledgement of fact, nor is it a belief that has no bearing on everyday life. Quite the opposite. The simple and loving message of the Christian gospel and faith permeates every detail of life for the better. It is simple yet infinitely deep and practical. “Life and that life more abundantly.”
You’ve probably heard it said that people can be so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good. The opposite is true. Unless you are heavenly minded, you can be no earthly good. The unseen affects the seen.
The Kingdom of God, the rule and reign of a loving and holy and perfect Heavenly Father, results in good. Since God is the creator and loving, then this good is holistic. It affects the mind, the heart, the soul, the strength. It affects every part of us.
That doesn’t mean that there won’t be troubles or that we are exempt from trials or struggles or hard times. And I don’t have space in this post (perhaps another one) to go into the reality that when you are of the Kingdom of God, you become a target for other kingdoms, both spiritual and material, that cause trouble and bring the battle.
But the change is not only felt but evident in behavior. People change. And it is always a gift to see it.
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