In the first part, I expressed how if you are a disciple of Christ, you have been empowered with the very Spirit, Power, and Nature of God. You have been given a spiritual gift, unique to you, that is supernatural in power and meant to bring love, joy, peace, and relief to others.
You are a Superhero.
While we each have the Spirit, and therefore have access to all the gifts, the scripture makes it clear the unique gifts we have each been given are meant to work in tandem with one another. One person is a hand, another is a foot, an eye, so on and so forth.
In the comics or movies, there are some problems that are too big for one person to handle. To “save the world,” it takes a superhero team-up. Even Superman, as strong and fast and powerful as he is, realizes that he can’t do it alone. He needs Batman and Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman (someone has to ride the big seahorse and talk to the fish, okay?). And as the comics write these stories, the villain or the problem has to be big enough that it takes a team. And the team, working together, can be victorious.
We were not designed or given superpowers to be alone, working alone. Sometimes we might, but ultimately, to tackle “saving the world” (aka, preaching the Kingdom, making disciples, living the Kingdom, etc.), we need each other. I can’t do it alone. Neither can you. The design is that we, together, can do far more good than one alone.
“One puts to flight a thousand, two ten thousand.”
It’s exponential. And if the Villain can divide and conquer the Justice League, then he’s pretty happy about that. Batman can say he’s a part of the Justice League “in his heart” and sit in the Batcave and never leave or participate all he wants, but he’s not really a part of the Justice League in that scenario, no matter what people say or feel.
We call the spiritual superhero Justice League the Church. And to be clear, that means we have to work together with other superheroes, value their gifts as necessary as we deal with their issues and they deal with ours. Why would we do that?
Because we’re saving the world. There is no “plan B” for saving the world. We are the superheroes with that mission. It’s not about me. It’s about us. It’s about others. That’s the purpose.
And the Church is a “go and do” team, not a “stay and discuss” country club. If we’re not out there, in the world, to save it, to love it, to serve it, then we’re not really a church. We can use other names, but those aren’t important.
What team are you on to save the world? How are you using your superpower in a team to help save the world?
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