One reminder as we begin – the seed never changes. Whether the seed, the Gospel Message of the Kingdom, brings life is determined by the response and environment of the soil. While we should endeavor to declare the true Gospel, let us not change or adjust the Gospel just because it isn’t bearing the fruit we think it should. There are other participants in this process.
The fourth type of soil is simply called “good soil.” What makes it good soil? First, it is soft enough for the seed to take root. Second, it is deep enough that the roots can dig deep and provide a good foundation. And third, it is free of weeds and thorns that will choke out the plant once it begins. Lastly, the plant is able to produce fruit.
What does this mean for us? A person who is “good soil” is one where the life begun by the seed produces fruit. Every other one ends in death. Every one. Life, then, defined by the parable – and the scripture bears this out – is one where fruit is produced.
In other words, the plant alone isn’t the point or the goal; the fruit is. Jesus spoke of this. Paul spoke of this. It is a consistent spiritual concept. Without the fruit, the plant is no good. Not at all. It might as well be dead and thrown into the fire.
What do we mean by fruit? That is a long answer, but in general, fruit contains within it a seed for reproduction. Fruit is sweet and satisfying and contains nutrients, but at its core, fruit contains a seed that makes a plant like itself. The fruit we’re talking about contains within it the seed of the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom. It multiplies itself. We could talk about the fruit of the Spirit (the character the indwelling Spirit produces) and disciples making disciples.
Today’s Christian teaching might suggest this is “maturity,” but biblically speaking, this is NORMAL CHRISTIAN LIFE. This is the only Christian life that matters. There is no other kind.
So what kind of person (soil environment) brings the Gospel of the Kingdom to its natural and intended end (producing other disciples of the Kingdom)? Looking at the parable, easy to see. The person must possess a soft, humble, willing heart to receive the Kingdom; one must allow the truth of the Kingdom to dig deep within the heart, a holistic faith that transforms the whole life; and the person must keep from being distracted by wealth and the cares of this life, the things of the world. The person must seek the Kingdom alone.
Again, this is not a “mature” Christian. This is a BASIC Christian. This is what Christ came, taught, died, and rose again to preach and produce.
Are we participants in Kingdom discipleship? Or spiritual formation, or whatever you want to call it. There are a myriad and manifold number of ways to participate, but if the blessing of the Kingdom ends with us, if it doesn’t go out and bless others, then it is for nothing, in God’s eyes. We use our talents and gifts and opportunities to participate, each in our own way, but participate, love, bless we must if we are to be alive at all.
Such is the Kingdom.
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